Abstract |
Background. Cyber attacks are one of the most dangerous forms of modern terrorism. At the same time in the Russian law, as well as in jurisprudence, there is no clear understanding of the concepts related to this problem. The objectives of the work is to clarify the conceptual apparatus and to generate proposals for amendments to the legislation.
Materials and methods. The author used the method of dialectics as a general scientific method of knowledge that allows to study the phenomena and processes of reality in their historical development, as well as private-scientific methods (formallegal, comparative legal method and system analysis).
Results. The author considered the content of definitions of cyberterrorism offered by various authors, comparing them with each other and with Western similars. The researcher presented and proved her own point of view on this issue. Shortcomings of legal regulation of criminal responsibility for cyberterrorism in Russia were identified. It was suggested introduce a number of changes to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in order to ensure punishment for all possible ways to use the Internet for terrorist acts commitment.
Conclusions. Theoretical propositions formulated in the study are aimed at elaboration of recommendations on improving the Russian legislation and are able to raise the level thereof. They can also be used in the academic activity and in the educational process of higher professional education establishments of the law sphere, and in advanced studies for practicing staff and scientific-academic personnel in the sphere of jurisprudence.
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